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Recently in Public Power Current
President Biden recently asked Congress to provide an additional $1.6 billion for the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program as part of a $56 billion domestic supplemental spending request.
The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission has extended the compliance deadline for Order No. 2023, a final rule that reforms the Commission’s standard generator interconnection procedures and agreements.
The House Energy and Commerce Committee’s Subcommittee on Energy, Climate, and Grid Security on Oct. 25 passed bills that would prohibit the Department of Energy from increasing distribution transformer conservation standards for five years, require federal energy regulators to review federal agency actions that are likely to have significant negative impacts on the reliability and adequacy of the bulk-power system, and reform the federal hydropower licensing process to protect existing resources and encourage the development of small and next-generation projects.
The New York State Energy Research and Development Authority recently issued two requests for information, one for offshore wind and one for land-based renewables.
The Middleborough Gas & Electric Department, a Massachusetts public power utility, recently welcomed two new co-op students from Bristol-Plymouth Regional Technical School. The students will be working in the utility’s Gas and Electric Departments.
The Tennessee Valley Authority on Oct. 24 celebrated the expansion of the Colbert Combustion Turbine Plant in Alabama, which brought 750 megawatts online this summer.
The number of natural gas-fired power plants expected to come online in 2023 is on track to hit back-to-back, year-over-year increases, according to the Energy Information Administration.
KEYS Energy Services is now offering a new rebate program for electric vehicle chargers, the Florida public power utility said on Oct. 19.