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Recently in Public Power Current
To find earlier stories in Public Power Current, browse by popular topics or contact us at News@PublicPower.org.
Energy Storage
Utah public power utility Heber Light & Power and Wheeler Machinery recently held a ribbon cutting for a 1 megawatt/3 megawatt-hour battery storage facility that will be used to support the operation of Heber Light & Power’s Lake Creek Hydro power plant and the corresponding distribution circuit.
The Cyber Incident Reporting Council recently released a report that outlines steps the federal government should take to streamline its cybersecurity incident reporting regulations.
Community Engagement
The Reading Municipal Light Department recently launched a biweekly podcast, which is hosted by RMLD General Manager Greg Phipps.
The Western Area Power Administration and GridLiance LLC on Sept. 29 announced a joint memorandum of understanding to explore improvements to relieve bulk electric transmission system congestion in the area of Boulder City, Nevada.
Electricity Markets
The board of managers of the PJM Interconnection has directed the regional transmission organization to file several enhancements to its capacity market with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission.
Electricity Markets
The Electric Reliability Council of Texas on Oct. 2 issued a request for proposals to stakeholders to increase operating reserves, with the grid operator looking to add up to an additional 3,000 megawatts for the winter 2023-2024 peak load season.
The Lincoln Electric System Administrative Board approved a recommendation for Emeka Anyanwu to be the new CEO of the Nebraska public power utility.
Nucor Corp. on Sept. 27 announced a collaboration with fusion power company Helion to develop a 500-megawatt fusion power plant.