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The PJM Interconnection on July 11 extended a Hot Weather Alert for its Mid-Atlantic and Southern regions through July 13 ahead of anticipated temperatures above 90 degrees.
California public power utility Pasadena Water and Power is expanding its energy portfolio with 25 megawatts of geothermal energy.
Wood Mackenzie estimates that the number of electric vehicle charging ports in the U.S. will reach close to 18 million by 2027, with most chargers in the residential category.
The U.S. Department of Energy on July 6 announced nine states and three tribal nations as the third cohort to receive a combined total of $207.6 million in grid resilience state and tribal formula grants.
EVLO Energy Storage Inc., a subsidiary of Hydro-Quebec, is developing a utility-scale battery energy storage project in Troy, Vermont.
A utility customer survey found that the quality of electric service, water and wastewater services, and solid waste and recycling services were well-rated by Denton, Texas, residents.
The transition to the PJM Interconnection’s new interconnection process kicked off on July 10, setting the stage for more than 260,000 megawatts of mostly renewable projects to be studied over the next three years, the grid operator said.
Staff with the Omaha Public Power District recently participated in Omaha, Nebraska’s World Refugee Day event.