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The City of Newberry, S.C., recently concluded an internship funded by the American Public Power Association’s Demonstration of Energy and Efficiency Developments program, which involved a student from a local technical school learning about and working with fiber optics and advanced metering infrastructure.
California’s community choice aggregator Clean Power Alliance has arranged for the issuance of a municipal non-recourse Clean Energy Project Revenue Bond through the California Community Choice Financing Authority.
President Biden is proposing a 30 percent excise tax on electricity used to mine for cryptocurrency as part of his Fiscal Year 2024 budget submission to Congress released on March 9.
A new nuclear unit at a site in Georgia has safely reached initial criticality, Georgia Power announced on March 6.
PJM Interconnection and its stakeholders have begun an expedited process to address capacity market design issues related to maintaining resource adequacy.
The Environmental Protection Agency on March 8 proposed to strengthen wastewater discharge standards that apply to coal-fired power plants.
Santee Cooper has issued a request for proposals to assist in meeting specific load growth expectations in their service territory starting January 1, 2024.
Legislation has been introduced in the Florida Legislature that would give state utility regulators the ability to regulate public power utilities with customers outside city boundaries.