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Recently in Public Power Current
To find earlier stories in Public Power Current, browse by popular topics or contact us at News@PublicPower.org.
Maryland public power utility Easton Utilities has been awarded a $3.5 million grant to finish building out broadband infrastructure in Talbot County, Md.
Public power utilities, rural electric cooperatives, the Tennessee Valley Authority, state and local governments, and other tax-exempt entities would have access to refundable direct payment tax credits under an energy and climate agreement announced on July 27.
Grid operators were able to maintain electric system reliability in 2021 with one notable exception, the February extreme cold weather event that affected Texas and parts of south-central United States, according to a new report from the North American Electric Reliability Corp. (NERC).
The Massachusetts Municipal Wholesale Electric Company (MMWEC) has completed an in-depth study of the costs and benefits of the combined undergrounding electric and broadband internet lines in metropolitan areas with a grant from American Public Power Association’s Demonstration of Energy & Efficiency Developments (DEED) program.
The City of Rock Hill in South Carolina has used a grant from American Public Power Association’s Demonstration of Energy & Efficiency Developments (DEED) program to help make fault detection more visible to repair crews and thereby improve reliability and reduce the duration of electrical outages for customers.
The Omaha Public Power District (OPPD) in Nebraska, with financial support from American Public Power Association’s Demonstration of Energy & Efficiency Developments (DEED) program, has completed a pilot project aimed at enhancing the utility’s ability to provide lower income customers with energy savings.
California public power utility Glendale Water & Power (GWP) announced the launch of a new residential program for electric vehicle (EV) drivers called the Off-Peak EV Charging Rebate program.
Members of the Western Markets Exploratory Group (WMEG) announced on July 21 that they have expanded their membership by adding eleven new participants to the current roster of fourteen utilities totaling twenty-five member participants across the west. Several of the new participants are public power utilities.