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To find earlier stories in Public Power Current, browse by popular topics or contact us at News@PublicPower.org.
Fayetteville PWC in North Carolina plans to install a 1.5-megawatt (MW) fuel cell that would be powered by multiple biogas streams.
The Village of Shickley, Neb., recently received a Project of the Year award from NMPP Energy for the village’s electric distribution system upgrade.
The Biden Administration recently launched a program to place federal field staff in more than 25 rural communities in multiple states, Tribal Nations and territories where they will help local leaders navigate and access resources made available by the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 and the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law.
Cloud seeding could become increasingly prevalent in California as utilities there face the twin challenges of drought and reaching the state’s net zero emission goals intended to combat global warming.
The total of renewable generation and energy storage seeking to connect to the electric power grid is greater than existing installed capacity on the United States, according to a new report from Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL).
The Department of Energy, Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, National Security Agency and Federal Bureau of Investigation are warning that certain advanced persistent threat actors have shown the capability to gain full system access to multiple industrial control system/supervisory control and data acquisition devices.
North Carolina public power utility Fayetteville Public Works Commission (PWC) has been named a best-in-class employer after scoring in the top quartile of midsize employers that participated in a 2021 benefits strategy and benchmarking survey conducted by consulting firm Gallagher.
The Department of Energy (DOE) recently launched a Clean Energy Innovator Fellowship that recruits talent from diverse backgrounds to spend up to two years supporting the work of eligible host organizations, which include electric public utility commissions and public power utilities. The deadline for applying is May 6, 2022.