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The New York Power Authority (NYPA) said it has finalized a $39 million agreement to install 67 overhead chargers for New York City buses.
The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) cannot keep changing its return on equity (ROE) methodology, FERC Chairman Richard Glick recently said in comments at a Commission meeting, adding that companies need to have some level of regulatory certainty if they are going to continue to make multi-million and, in some cases, multi-billion dollar investment decisions.
The Maine Legislature’s Energy, Utilities, and Technology Committee on June 1 voted to advance a bill that would create a consumer-owned utility in the state called Pine Tree Power.
North Iowa Municipal Electric Cooperative Association (NIMECA), power supplier to 13 public power utilities in northern Iowa, will offtake power from a wind farm in South Dakota that has been operational since September 2020.
Rep. Earl Blumenauer, D-Ore., has amended and reintroduced legislation from the 116th Congress to allow entities with little to no tax liability to still take advantage of energy-related investment tax credits (ITC) and production tax credits (PTC).
The City of Rochelle and Rochelle Municipal Utilities in Illinois have broken ground for a $13.8 million substation to serve new industrial growth.
Public power utilities and rural electric cooperatives should be allowed to receive direct payment refundable energy tax credits, leaders of the American Public Power Association (APPA), National Rural Electric Cooperative Association (NRECA) and Large Public Power Council (LPPC) told congressional leaders in a May 14 letter.
Platte River Power Authority has initiated permitting for a 150 megawatt (MW) solar power project in Weld County, Colo.