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Recently in Public Power Current
The California-based East Bay Community Energy (EBCE) Board of Directors on Dec. 16 approved a policy to set a target of providing its customers with 100% clean power by 2030, which would be 15 years before the state’s renewables and zero-carbon energy standard.
Public power utility Danville Utilities in Virginia is moving forward with a battery energy storage project designed to shave its peak charges and save the utility and its customers money. The Danville Utility Commission at its Nov. 30 meeting voted unanimously in favor of the 10.6-megawatt (MW), 23
Starbucks Corp. is entering into solar and solar-plus-storage virtual power purchase agreements to support its corporate sustainability goals.
Ames Electric Services in Iowa is providing support for a mobile microgrid project initiated by the Iowa National Guard.
OUC—The Reliable One is looking forward to combining two research projects to test and demonstrate the possibilities of energy storage technologies, including hydrogen storage, that could be used to smooth out intermittent power from solar resources.
Massachusetts Municipal Wholesale Electric Company, the joint action agency for municipal utilities in Massachusetts, is expanding its residential demand management program, “Connected Homes.” Beginning this month, select wifi thermostats have been added to the program for all participating municipal light plants.
The Decorah, Iowa, city council on Monday voted 6-1 in favor of forming a task force on the municipalization of the city’s electric power infrastructure.
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) on Dec. 7 announced its final decision to retain the existing National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) for particulate matter without changes.