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Recently in Public Power Current
One of the many things that makes public power utilities unique are the strong bonds that they have forged with their communities. People who work at public power utilities are always ready to pitch in and help in any way they can when their community needs them. Job descriptions don’t matter. It’s
A committee in the Maine Legislature on July 24 voted to recommend the formation of a task force that would create a proposed transition and business plan for a state consumer-owned electric utility.
The U.S. Forest Service on July 10 published a final rule related to vegetation management on National Forest System (NFS) lands within rights-of-ways for electric transmission and distribution facilities.
CPS Energy, the public power utility serving San Antonio, Texas, is moving ahead with plans for two substations designed to meet the needs of the growing metropolitan area.
Due to the industry’s effective response to the COVID-19 pandemic, customer trust in utilities – including a number of public power utilities -- has reached an historic high, according to a recent survey.
Sens. Roger Wicker, R-Miss., and Michael Bennet, D-Colo., on July 8 unveiled the introduction of S. 4303, the American Infrastructure Bonds Act, which would allow the issuance of taxable direct payment bonds, akin to a Build America Bond.
The American Public Power Association is urging its member utilities to reach out to their congressional delegation in support of legislation that would provide direct COVID-19 pandemic-related aid for public power utilities.
If adopted, transmission incentive changes proposed by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission in a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NOPR) are likely to hike transmission costs without any assurance of commensurate benefits for consumers, the American Public Power Association said on July 1.