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Recently in Public Power Current
Appalachian Power on Nov. 14 announced plans to bring small modular reactors to Virginia. Appalachian Power representatives have identified a potential site for an SMR project on company-owned property in Campbell County, Virginia, and plan to begin the Early Site Permit Application process. The
Utah Associated Municipal Power Systems has completed a report tied to a UAMPS Gridware Pilot Project to implement and evaluate an advanced grid monitoring system that provides real-time, continuous monitoring of utility poles and distribution infrastructure. APPA on Nov. 20 will be hosting a webinar related to the project.
The Government Finance Officers Association announced that Texas public power utility Greenville Electric Utility System received GFOA's Distinguished Budget Presentation Award for its budget.
Energy New England announced that it is now an Electric Vehicle Adoption Leadership certified workplace.
The City Council for Danville, Va., a public power community, on Nov. 7 approved plans for the construction of an energy storage facility in the city.
Pacific Gas and Electric Company is deploying Atomic Canyon's artificial intelligence-powered solutions for the nuclear energy sector at PG&E's Diablo Canyon Power Plant.
The North American Electric Reliability Corporation on Nov. 14 released its 2024–2025 Winter Reliability Assessment, which highlights issues related to natural gas production and delivery and potential limited regional pipeline capacity in the U.S. Mid-Atlantic and Northeast, robust load growth that continues to surpass growth in dispatchable resources, and retirements in thermal generation resources.
Texas public power utility Austin Energy is partnering with Exceed Geo Energy Inc. to pilot a first-of-its-kind advanced geothermal project near its Nacogdoches biomass-generating facility, Austin Energy said on Nov. 14.