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Department of Energy Plans to Make $70 Million Available to Utilities for Cybersecurity

The Rural and Municipal Utility Cybersecurity program at the Department of Energy recently published a Notice of Intent to provide $70 million to utilities including public power utilities for cybersecurity.

The DOE’s Office of Cybersecurity, Energy Security, and Emergency Response plans to issue the Funding Opportunity Announcement “on or about November 2023.”

CESER anticipates having three topic areas and awarding up to 10 financial assistance awards in each topic area. CESER may issue one, multiple, or no awards. The estimated period of performance for each award will be approximately 24‐48 months.       

DOE anticipates funding the following three topic areas:

  • Advanced Cybersecurity Technologies for Distribution, Generation, and Transmission Utilities 
  • Strengthening the Peer-to-Peer and Not-for-Profit Technical Assistance Ecosystem
  • Increasing Access to Technical Assistance and Training for Utilities with Limited Cybersecurity Resources

The Funding Opportunity Announcement will be made available on the Infrastructure Exchange website.

Potential applicants interested in receiving official notifications and information from CESER regarding this FOA should follow the RMUC Program website and sign up for the RMUC Program email list at: https://www.energy.gov/ceser/rural-and-municipal-utility-advanced-cybersecurity-grant-and-technical-assistance-rmuc.

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