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Recently in Public Power Current
The Salt River Project’s publicly elected Board of Directors on Feb. 27 approved SRP management’s amended pricing proposal that will, among other things, support ongoing system reliability, expand low-income bill assistance, and provide super off-peak pricing that takes advantage of abundant low-cost, low-carbon utility scale solar.
At public meetings in January and February, the elected Board of Commissioners for Oregon public power utility Eugene Water and Electric Board approved a year full of ambitious goals that build on the utility’s commitment to the community and strengthen its operations, EWEB said on Feb. 25.
A North American Electric Reliability Corporation Interregional Transfer Capability Study “provides substantial evidence that the need for, and benefits of, interregional transfer capability varies substantially around the country” and, at the same time, does not identify a need for any new reliability standards for meeting or maintaining transfer capability between regions, the American Public Power Association and Large Public Power Council said.
To foster a deeper understanding of customers facing financial challenges, employees of Florida public power utility JEA recently participated in a simulation exercise designed to highlight the realities of living with limited financial resources.
In a recent interview with APPA, Travis Hunter, chief generation and transmission officer for the Platte River Power Authority, provided details on Platte River Power Authority substation and generation projects, as well as discussed his role and responsibilities as chief generation and transmission officer.
The PJM Board of Managers has authorized additions and changes to the Regional Transmission Expansion Plan.
Board Members of New York public power utility Jamestown Board of Public Utilities announce the planned retirement of General Manager David Leathers and are planning to begin a search process for his replacement in the coming months.
The Grand Haven Board of Light and Power is preparing a customer satisfaction survey, which will help set the foundation for the utility’s future planning, the Michigan public power utility said.