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Avangrid has acquired a state-of-the-art mobile transformer that can be quickly deployed “and enables the company to resolve outages in the event of a damaged transformer in a couple months compared to the two-year lead time for a replacement transformer,” it said on May 21.
Electricity Markets
The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission recently approved the North American Electric Reliability Corporation’s plan to issue data requests to generator owners requiring information about their generating units’ winterization efforts and performance during extreme cold weather events.
Customer Service
SPONSORED ADVERTISING FEATURE As operational challenges multiply, some utilities have found drones to be an effective tool to optimize limited resources and maintain safe and reliable service. Drones can be used for a variety of purposes, including inspections, security, and maintenance operations
The California Independent System Operator’s Board of Governors last week took two key votes to expand the region’s transmission network.
Electricity Markets
New York Assemblymember Sarahana Shrestha and New York State Sen. Michelle Hinchey recently introduced a bill that would create a publicly owned power authority called Hudson Valley Power Authority to replace Central Hudson Gas & Electric.
Electricity Markets
The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission has accepted a proposal from ISO New England and the New England Power Pool to delay the 19th Forward Capacity Auction until 2028.
Bonds and Financing
U.S. Rep. Judy Chu (D-Calif.) and other House Democrats are urging the Department of Treasury and the Internal Revenue Service to finalize rules that will enable not-for-profit entities like community-owned utilities to benefit from the clean energy tax credits created by the Inflation Reduction Act.
Community Engagement
Missouri public power utility Hannibal Board of Public Works has implemented a unique social media campaign designed to communicate the value of public power to its customers, with the utility’s employees playing a direct and key role in the campaign. The monthly social media campaign, which is