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Recently in Public Power Current
A group supporting the creation of a public power utility in San Diego, Calif., is voicing confidence that it has collected enough signatures from voters in the city to have the San Diego City Council take action on the group’s proposal to replace investor-owned San Diego Gas & Electric.
Florida public power utility OUC gathered with construction partners, dignitaries, and community leaders to cut the ribbon on OUC’s state-of-the-art St. Cloud Operations and Maintenance Center.
Washington State joint action agency Energy Northwest is collaborating with the cities of Bingen and Goldendale, the Port of Skamania County and to Fort Vancouver Libraries to strengthen the electric vehicle charging infrastructure on State Route 14 in Washington State along the Columbia River Gorge.
Texas public power utilities Austin Energy and CPS Energy have sent lineworkers to assist with power restoration efforts in Houston after severe storms left more than a million people without power.
The City of Tallahassee, Fla., has successfully restored power to over 99% of customers who can safely receive electricity after three tornadoes ripped through town on May 10, the Florida Municipal Electric Association reported.
BrightNight and joint venture partner Cordelio Power have secured a $414 million construction credit facility for their Box Canyon utility-scale solar power project in Pinal County, Arizona. The Southwest Public Power Agency has entered into a power purchase agreement for the project.
Silicon Ranch, an independent power producer, and Middle Tennessee Electric, the largest electric cooperative in the Tennessee Valley Authority region, recently announced a solar agreement under TVA’s newly expanded Generation Flexibility Program.
The public power community of Thomasville, Ga., is implementing significant upgrades to its utility management infrastructure using smart grid technology and advanced metering infrastructure.