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Electricity Markets
The Los Angeles City Council on May 14 confirmed Janisse Quiñones as CEO and Chief Engineer of the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power. Quiñones also took her oath as presided by the City Clerk, officially beginning her tenure as the leader of the nation’s largest municipal utility. Following
Bills and Rates
The Board of Commissioners for Florida public power utility OUC on May 14 approved a 5% reduction in customer electric bills that will take effect July 1.
SPONSORED ADVERTISING FEATURE As operational challenges multiply, some utilities have found drones to be an effective tool to optimize limited resources and maintain safe and reliable service. Drones can be used for a variety of purposes, including inspections, security, and maintenance operations
SPONSORED ADVERTISING FEATURE As operational challenges multiply, some utilities have found drones to be an effective tool to optimize limited resources and maintain safe and reliable service. Drones can be used for a variety of purposes, including inspections, security, and maintenance operations
Customer Service
Kissimmee Utility Authority continued earning high marks for overall customer satisfaction in 2024, according to the results of a third-party survey released by the utility.
Electric Vehicles
The Board of Directors for California public power utility Imperial Irrigation District recently approved the creation of an Electrification Workgroup.
Distributed Energy Resources
Omaha Public Power District has entered into a new clean capacity collaboration with Google and NextEra Energy Resources LLC, the Nebraska public power utility said on May 14.
Distributed Energy Resources
The public power community of Dover, Delaware “is committed to shifting as much of the energy consumed to be generated from the cleanest sources possible” and to support this, “we are constantly looking for opportunities to tap into renewable sources of production,” Paul Waddell, Electric Director for Dover said. He also provided details on various projects underway in Dover.