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Recently in Public Power Current
Maine public power utility Kennebunk Light & Power District’s relationship with its customers is one of its greatest assets, said Anna Henderson, General Manager of KLPD. In a Q&A with Public Power Current, she also detailed mutual aid efforts in response to a recent nor'easter.
Vermont public power utility Morrisville Water and Light on May 8 reported that its Board of Trustees has approved an Energy Storage Service Agreement with Encore Renewable for the development of a five-megawatt battery storage project.
Burbank, Calif., City Manager Justin Hess has selected Assistant General Manager of Power Supply Mandip Samra as the General Manager of Burbank Water and Power, replacing Joseph Lillio who will resume his role as the Chief Financial Officer of Burbank Water and Power. Samra will assume the role of General Manager on May 19, 2024.
The Central Nebraska Public Power and Irrigation District board of directors on May 6 approved a new contract for power generated at the Jeffrey Hydro plant south of Brady, Neb. The approved agreement is with the Municipal Energy Agency of Nebraska and will run from July 1, 2024, through December 31, 2024.
Rich Wallen, Grant County PUD general manager and CEO, has announced his resignation from the Washington State public power utility. The resignation, which was given to Grant PUD’s Board of Commissioners on May 7, is effective on June 14.
Texas public power utility Austin Energy recently hosted a tour and meeting with a reverse trade mission delegation from Malaysia, sponsored by the U.S. Trade and Development Agency.
The PJM Interconnection and the Midcontinent Independent System Operator on May 9 announced today that the organizations will collaborate on an informational interregional transfer capability study, set to be performed during the second half of 2024.
Idaho National Laboratory is seeking a hydropower utility to collaborate on a case study to understand how small hydroelectric plants operating at 10 megawatts or less can be upgraded to provide emergency power to critical loads during outages.