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Recently in Public Power Current
California public power utility Glendale Water & Power recently announced the launch of an initiative that will allow for a highly personalized approach to customer communications, with customized videos ranging from onboarding of new residents, to detailed information about billing, payment arrangements for overdue bills, conservation information, scam alerts, and energy conservation strategies.
California public power utility SMUD on May 13 hosted ribbon-cutting ceremony for 19 new wind turbines that will be added to its renewable energy portfolio.
The U.S. Department of Energy Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy announced its intent to issue multiple funding opportunity announcements totaling over $100 million for field demonstrations and other research to support better planning and operation of the electric grid.
The American Public Power Association has been awarded a $4 million grant from the Department of Energy through a cooperative agreement that APPA will use to help its member utilities bolster their cybersecurity defenses.
Oregon public power utility Springfield Utility Board this summer will hold a fundraiser for Project SHARE, which is SUB’s charitable program helping low-income customers with energy bills.
The following is a transcript of the May 13, 2024, episode of Public Power Now. Learn more about subscribing to Public Power Now at Some quotes may have been edited for clarity. Paul Ciampoli Welcome to the latest episode of Public Power Now. I'm Paul Ciampoli, APPA’s News
The Tennessee Valley Authority has issued a request for proposals for energy and capacity to help meet the region’s growing demand for electricity while maximizing grid reliability. The RFP is for any type of generation that meets the definition of Firm Generation Resource or Firm System Commitment as defined in the RFP.
The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission on May 13 approved a final rule that adopts specific requirements addressing how transmission providers must conduct long-term planning for regional transmission facilities and determine how to pay for them, so needed transmission is built.