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Recently in Public Power Current
To find earlier stories in Public Power Current, browse by popular topics or contact us at News@PublicPower.org.
The U.S. Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency recently published a fact sheet on defending industrial control systems and small-scale operational technology systems against ongoing pro-Russia hacktivist activity.
The Board of Directors of the Southern California Public Power Authority recently announced the appointment of Daniel Garcia as its new Executive Director.
Bills and Rates
The City of Homestead, Fla., recently announced a substantial reduction in the Power Cost Adjustment portion of Homestead Public Services electric bills, effective May 15, 2024.
Energy Efficiency
Nashville, Tenn., public power utility NES, Nashville Mayor Freddie O’Connell and the Nashville Department of Transportation and Multimodal Infrastructure recently celebrated the upgrading of more than 6,000 streetlights to new LED technology.
Disaster Response and Mutual Aid
Salt River Project line crews spent two weeks working to bring electricity to homes on the Navajo Nation as part of the Light Up Navajo initiative, the Arizona public power utility said on May 2.
Electricity Markets
The 2024 update to the Pacific Northwest Utilities Conference Committee’s Northwest Regional Forecast reveals more momentum for the surge in demand for electricity in the Pacific Northwest.
Community Engagement
A growing number of public power utilities are giving their customers a ground level view of their operations through Customer Academies, which give customers a unique opportunity to deepen their understanding of how their local utility works.
California investor-owned energy company PG&E Corporation on April 30 announced that it has entered exclusive negotiations to sell a minority interest in Pacific Generation LLC to KKR’s Infrastructure Strategy.