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Grid Modernization
The Lansing Board of Water & Light, a Michigan public power utility, has launched a new demand response program for its residential electric customers. The program allows eligible customers with certain brands and models of smart thermostats to reduce energy usage by allowing the BWL to slightly adjust the thermostat settings during “energy events.”
Customer Service
For Georgetown, Texas, a public power community, one of the unexpected benefits of using TextPower has been the quiet. After the city started using TextPower, the volume of people phoning in outages dropped precipitously.
The Florida Municipal Power Agency hosted a tour of its Sand Lake Energy Center for members of its Board of Directors and Policy Makers Liaisons Committee. FMPA on Feb. 16 announced that it has taken ownership of the natural gas combined cycle generation plant.
Disaster Response and Mutual Aid
The following is a transcript of the April 22, 2024, episode of Public Power Now. Learn more about subscribing to Public Power Now at Publicpower.org/Podcasts. Some quotes may have been edited for clarity. Paul Ciampoli Welcome to the latest episode of Public Power Now. I'm Paul Ciampoli, APPA's
Significant decreases in nearly every recorded category, from total outages to impacted customer hours, illustrate a strong year for Grays Harbor PUD system reliability in 2023.
The New York State Public Service Commission approved two segments of the Champlain Hudson Power Express transmission, a 339-mile transmission line being developed by Transmission Developers Inc., to deliver energy from Canada directly to New York City.
The Missouri Public Utility Alliance recently held a Utility Bootcamp as part of a Utility Workforce Training Program it developed thanks to a grant from the Missouri Department of Economic Development. MPUA staff is developing future training opportunities as part of the Workforce Development Training Program.
Texas public power utility CPS Energy on April 19 announced that it is the recipient of a $2.45 million grant aimed at replacing aging local gas infrastructure from the Department of Transportation and the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration.