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Recently in Public Power Current
The Monroe County Legislature in New York State recently rejected a proposed feasibility study to replace Rochester Gas & Electric with a public power utility.
The Energy Information Administration expects natural gas inventories to remain relatively high and natural gas spot prices to remain relatively low through 2025.
Power outage communications has become even more important as the number of storms and wildfires in the U.S. has increased over the last decade. With Message Broadcast’s communications platform, utilities can create and send personalized emergency messages through its Enterprise Omnichannel Notification System
Florida public power utility New Smyrna Beach Utilities recently detailed how it has dramatically improved reliability for its customers. In 2020, NSBU developed an Electric Reliability Improvement Plan designed to improve the reliability and resilience of every circuit on the utility’s electric
Grid operators in the U.S. recently detailed the impact of the April 8 solar eclipse on their respective grids.
Minnesota public power utility Rochester Public Utilities, Southern Minnesota Municipal Power Agency, Xcel Energy and Dairyland Power Cooperative recently unveiled plans to build a new transmission line in southern Minnesota. The new infrastructure will, among other things, reduce transmission system congestion, Xcel Energy said.
Martin Adams, the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power’s General Manager and Chief Engineer, was recently appointed by President Biden to serve on the National Infrastructure Advisory Council, a group of approximately 30 experts nationwide who address issues on national security related to infrastructure and reliability.
Sioux Center Municipal Utilities is taking the next steps toward installing local standby electric generation, the city of Sioux City, Iowa, reported in late March. The project would involve the construction of about 12 megawatts of diesel generation. The Sioux Center City Council voted last month to pursue next steps after taking several months to listen for public feedback and receiving favorable comments.