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Recently in Public Power Current
The Navajo Tribal Utility Authority in partnership with the American Public Power Association on April 7 officially launched Light Up Navajo V, a project to extend electric service to Navajo Nation households. This week the line workers are from the Salt River Project and the Grand River Dam Authority.
National Grid Ventures and Con Edison Transmission recently submitted a proposal to build transmission infrastructure that will carry offshore wind power to New Jersey’s electric grid.
Thirteen journeyman teams and 12 individual apprentices won awards at the American Public Power Association’s twenty-second annual Public Power Lineworkers Rodeo, held April 5-6, in Lafayette, Louisiana.
Bonneville Power Administration staff identified governance, resource adequacy requirements and greenhouse gas accounting and other favorable attributes in recommending that BPA participate in a day-ahead energy market and that BPA should join the Southwest Power Pool's Markets+ initiative.
The U.S. Department of Energy recently released an information guide for communities considering replacing their retired or retiring coal power plants with nuclear power plants.
The PJM Interconnection and the New York Independent System Operator said that an earthquake with an epicenter in north-central New Jersey had no immediate impact on operations.
A full solar eclipse on April 8 will briefly but fully obscure sunlight to utility-scale solar generation facilities from Texas through Maine with a combined 6.5 GW of capacity, the Energy Information Administration said on April 5.
The Department of Energy on April 4 released its final rule on energy efficiency standards for distribution transformers. In relaxing the materials standards and extending the implementation timeline in its final rule, DOE "has demonstrated that it has listened to industry stakeholders and understands the challenge before us,” APPA said.