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Recently in Public Power Current
The Southwest Power Pool on April 1 said that it has reached a significant milestone in the development of its western day-ahead electricity market by filing its Markets+ tariff with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. Work on the tariff began less than a year ago, when 38 entities from states across the West -- including public power utilities -- executed agreements to participate in the development process.
Public power utilities are among the 2024 recipients of ENERGY STAR awards. The ENERGY STAR program is administered by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and award recipients include the Southern Minnesota Municipal Power Agency and its 17 member municipal utilities, Salt River Project, Tennessee Valley Authority and Lansing Board of Water & Light.
Granite Shore Power recently announced an agreement with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency under which the parties have set a firm date for the voluntary closure by GSP of operations at Merrimack Station, New England’s last remaining coal-fired power plant, as well as the Schiller Station.
The Board of Trustees of the Long Island Power Authority announced John Rhodes’s appointment as LIPA’s Acting CEO, effective immediately, LIPA said on March 27.
The City Council for the public power community of Pineville, N.C., recently approved a plan for the construction of a new electric substation to serve new electric loads.
A team of experts from the University of Notre Dame, in collaboration with faculty at the University of Maryland and University of Utah, have found a way to use artificial intelligence to analyze a household’s passive design characteristics and predict its energy expenses with more than 74 percent
The following is a transcript of the March 24, 2024, episode of Public Power Now. Learn more about subscribing to Public Power Now at Some quotes may have been edited for clarity. Paul Ciampoli Welcome to the latest episode of Public Power Now. I'm Paul Ciampoli, APPA's
Utilities and communities across the U.S. are pursuing solar projects located at landfill sites. Landfill sites offer a number of potential advantages when it comes to solar projects including that they typically have good sun exposure.