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Recently in Public Power Current
California public power utility Truckee Donner Public Utility District was recently awarded the Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting from the Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada.
The Illinois Commerce Commission recently approved the Illinois Power Agency's $1.1 billion renewable resource procurement plan for the next two years.
Noting that it is playing a major role in enhancing transmission planning capabilities to meet the region’s growing loads and renewable resource portfolio requirements, the Bonneville Power Administration recently said that it and other transmission operators will do this through the Western Transmission Expansion Coalition, a new transmission planning effort spearheaded by the Western Power Pool.
The Bureau of Land Management recently approved the Alta Wind Battery Energy Storage System right-of-way in Kern County, Calif.
The growth of solar power in New England is increasingly driving down demand for grid electricity during daylight hours.
The U.S. Department of Treasury and the Internal Revenue Service on March 5 released final regulations relating to the implementation of elective payment of energy tax credits.
Crews with California public power utility Truckee Donner Public Utility District over the past several days have been hard at work restoring power to customers after a severe storm with snow and high winds hit the utility’s service territory.
The Virginia Municipal Electric Association has issued a request for proposals that seeks competitive proposals from qualified battery energy storage systems developers to design, build, and operate utility-scale BESS facilities with a commercial operation date in 2026.