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To find earlier stories in Public Power Current, browse by popular topics or contact us at News@PublicPower.org.
A regional utility collaboration in Northern Colorado recently calculated results for 2023, reporting that about 1,700 homes and 500 businesses collectively reduced carbon emissions by more than 6,800 tons through various programs and initiatives, based on U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s emission rates for the Rocky Mountain region.
The National Forest Foundation and Salt River Project recently announced a new partnership that will help reduce the risk of catastrophic wildfire across the Salt and Verde River watersheds in Arizona “and allow SRP to continue providing an affordable and reliable water supply for the Phoenix metropolitan area,” SRP said.
Electricity Markets
The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission issued an order Feb. 26 granting the PJM Interconnection’s request to delay its 2025/2026 capacity auction date by 35 days to July 17, 2024, along with a delay of the associated pre-auction deadlines.
Truckee Donner Public Utility District’s board of directors meeting on Feb. 7 included a detailed presentation and discussion led by industry expert consultant Aspen Environmental on the California public power utility’s integrated resource plan.
Electricity Markets
The American Public Power Association’s Legislative & Resolutions Committee on Feb. 27 approved 13 policy resolutions during the association’s 2024 Legislative Rally. These member-sponsored resolutions will guide APPA’s advocacy efforts in 2024 and beyond.
Disaster Response and Mutual Aid
The Florida Municipal Electric Association recently held its annual Florida Lineman Competition Rodeo, which brings electric lineworkers from all over the state together to demonstrate their skill and knowledge in the craft of line work.
Electricity Markets
Average wholesale electricity prices at most major trading hubs in the Lower 48 states generally declined and traded within more narrow price ranges in 2023, the Energy Information Administration reported on Feb. 26, citing data from S&P Global Market Intelligence.
Distributed Energy Resources
The National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners, in collaboration with the U. S. Department of Energy Office of Cybersecurity, Energy Security, and Emergency Response, on Feb. 22 released a set of cybersecurity baselines for electric distribution systems and distributed energy resources that connect to them.