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Recently in Public Power Current
Massachusetts public power utility Chicopee Electric Light has joined the Massachusetts Municipal Wholesale Electric Company’s NextZero Connected Homes program, the utility reported in its Winter 2024 newsletter.
Ocala, Fla., City Council members recently approved a reduction to the power cost adjustment rate and an increase in the electric base rates, which will result in an approximate eight percent decrease in customers’ monthly bills.
A substation project in the public power community of Waterville, Kansas, is in the final stages of completion, Kansas joint action agency KPP Energy said.
The City Council of Austin, Texas, approved Austin Energy’s third-party contract for evaluating the electrical utility’s more than 12,000 miles of electrical distribution lines, Austin Energy said on Feb. 16.
During committee meetings last week for the Omaha Public Power District Board of Directors, OPPD leaders shared plans to add more generation to one existing plant and one currently under construction.
Avangrid recently announced a pilot project with Levatas and Boston Dynamics to advance substation inspections using artificial intelligence.
Siemens Energy is expanding its operations in Charlotte, N.C., with a large power transformer manufacturing and service facility, it said on Feb. 15.
The Florida Municipal Power Agency on Feb. 16 announced that it has taken ownership of an Orlando-area, natural gas combined cycle generation plant.