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Recently in Public Power Current
The Bonneville Power Administration has named Richard Bustamante Vice President of Transmission System Operations.
California Municipal Utilities Association Executive Director Barry Moline has decided that 2024 will be his eighth and final year with the association. He plans to retire on December 31.
The New York Power Authority is seeking developers to implement a 5.2-megawatt solar photovoltaic energy project on two separate parcels at the State University of New York at Oneonta.
The Environmental Protection Agency on Feb. 7 issued its final rule reconsidering the particulate matter national ambient air quality standards.
The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission recently released its 2023 common metrics report tied to the performance of regional transmission organization and independent system operator markets.
On January 16, 2024, a record high of 141.5 billion cubic feet of natural gas was consumed in the U.S. Lower 48 states, exceeding the previous record set on December 23, 2022, according to estimates from S&P Global Commodity Insights, the Energy Information Administration reported on Feb. 6.
Sandia National Laboratories, together with New Mexico State University, is developing algorithms that they hope have the potential to create a self-healing grid.
Deployment of enhanced geothermal generation could be boosted by using the technology as a load-following rather than baseload system, according to an article in Nature Energy.