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Recently in Public Power Current
Texas public power utility CPS Energy recently detailed how it has successfully met the challenge of procuring transformers.
The New York Power Authority on Jan. 31 filed a petition with the New York State Public Service Commission to establish the Renewable Energy Access and Community Help program to provide electric bill credits for low-income households across the state.
The Bonneville Power Administration on Jan. 30 detailed how plunging temperatures across the Pacific Northwest that stayed below freezing for four days from Jan. 12-16 were no match for the Federal Columbia River Power System.
Recent extreme weather events have shown that the Lower Snake River Dams are an irreplaceable resource not just in the future but right now -- both in terms of energy, capacity, and other grid services key to maintaining reliable electricity, Scott Corwin, President and CEO of the American Public Power Association, said in a statement for the record submitted to key House members on Jan. 29.
Fred Christie, the Chief Information Officer for Maryland public power utility Easton Utilities, has been selected to participate in the 2024 Operational Technology Defender Fellowship, a highly selective education program created, funded, and led by the Department of Energy’s Office of Cybersecurity, Energy Security, and Emergency Response.
The Loan Programs Office of the Department of Energy this week said it has signed a memorandum of understanding with the Electric Power Research Institute aimed at improving the understanding and integration of virtual power plants.
Owners of electric vehicles are more likely to add solar panels to their homes and, conversely, there is a correlation, though less strong, between owners of homes with solar panels buying an electric vehicle, according to a new report from the Department of Energy’s National Renewable Energy Laboratory.
For the first time, the Federal Emergency Management Agency will fund net-zero energy projects, including solar, heat pumps and efficient appliances, through its largest grant program, Public Assistance, which covers the rebuilding of schools, hospitals, fire stations and other community infrastructure investments post-disasters.