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The U.S. Department of Energy on Feb. 6 announced a request for proposals for the second round of the Transmission Facilitation Program, a revolving fund supported by the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law to help overcome financial hurdles facing large-scale new and upgraded transmission lines.
Electricity Markets
The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission on Jan. 30 conditionally accepted a proposal submitted by the PJM Interconnection to refine and improve PJM’s risk modeling framework.
Representatives Mike Kelly (R-PA) and Chris Deluzio (D-PA) on Jan. 31 introduced H.R. 7171, the Distribution Transformer Efficiency and Supply Chain Reliability Act of 2024.
Disaster Response and Mutual Aid
California public power utilities were hard at work restoring power to their customers after a severe storm that hit the state over the weekend.
Electricity Markets
The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission has accepted ISO New England’s proposal to create an expanded Day-Ahead Market.
Electricity Markets
The PJM Interconnection and the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities have agreed to the terms on the next phase of a collaboration that deploys PJM’s competitive planning process to help New Jersey further advance its offshore wind goals.
Electricity Markets
The City of Abbeville and Town of Gueydan have both selected the Louisiana Energy and Power Authority as their wholesale electric provider, LEPA said in late January.
Electricity Markets
The Energy Information Administration on Feb. 1 detailed its plans to focus on evaluating the electricity consumption associated with cryptocurrency mining activity.