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Recently in Public Power Current
The City Council for Russell, Kansas, recently approved a resolution authorizing and providing for the acquisition and installation of 15 megawatts of generation.
U.S. Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm recently said that the Tennessee Valley Authority is “leading on small modular reactors” with its SMR project at the Clinch River Nuclear Site in Oak Ridge, Tennessee.
The Electric Reliability Council of Texas on Dec. 8 announced a new Energy Storage Resources dashboard and Integration Report that provides a view of charging and discharging battery production on the grid.
The Board of Directors for the Midcontinent Independent System Operator on Dec. 7 approved the 2023 MISO Transmission Expansion Plan.
The House Energy and Commerce Committee on Dec. 5 passed bills that would prohibit the Department of Energy from increasing distribution transformer conservation standards for five years, require the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission to review and comment on federal agency actions that are likely to have significant negative impacts on the reliability and adequacy of the bulk-power system and reform the FERC licensing process to protect existing hydropower resources and encourage the development of small and next-generation projects.
A new study from the Western Electricity Coordinating Council provides recommendations to help stakeholders prepare for extreme winter weather events.
New York Gov. Kathy Hochul on Dec. 6 announced the successful delivery of power to Long Island from the first operational wind turbine at South Fork Wind, “marking a historic milestone of the first utility-scale offshore wind farm in federal waters to begin ‘powering up’ in the United States,” Hochul’s office said.
The Lower 48 states will enter the winter heating season with the most natural gas in storage since 2020, according to data from the Energy Information Administration.