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Recently in Public Power Current
To find earlier stories in Public Power Current, browse by popular topics or contact us at News@PublicPower.org.
FirstLight on Dec. 5 announced a new power purchase agreement with the Massachusetts Municipal Wholesale Electric Company. MMWEC is the Commonwealth’s designated joint action agency for municipal utilities in Massachusetts. Through the agreement, participating communities will purchase up to 69
Jennifer Smith has been named the Assistant General Manager for the Oklahoma Municipal Power Authority.
Electricity Markets
New England should have sufficient resources to meet the peak demand for electricity this winter, ISO New England said on Dec. 4.
Officials from public power utilities and the American Public Power Association recently participated in a Department of Energy event led by security experts from DOE National Labs who offer hands-on training in areas of operational technology, incident coordination, malware analysis and more.
The Northeast Power Coordinating Council has begun a study of fuel constraints in the Northeast and their potential effects on electric generation in the region.
The American Public Power Association and the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association on Dec. 1 sent a joint letter to Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm voicing concern about a recently released document, “U.S. Government Commitments in Support of the Columbia River Basin Restoration Initiative and in Partnership with the Six Sovereigns.”
Electricity Markets
The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit on Dec. 1 issued a decision that involves changes to the PJM Interconnection’s mandatory capacity construct that PJM filed with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission in July 2021.
The Bureau of Land Management on Nov. 30 announced that it will begin assessing targeted updates to energy corridors across the West in order to help speed deployment of transmission infrastructure.