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Recently in Public Power Current
Arevon Energy has closed financing on its Vikings solar-plus-storage project in California using tax credit transferability provisions in the Inflation Reduction Act.
A new white paper from the Electric Power Research Institute aims to provide owner-operators and other stakeholders with a practical guide for the deployment of a nuclear energy facility on or near an existing coal plant.
The Los Angeles Department of Water and Power on Nov. 16 announced a comprehensive plan to build, operate and maintain a city-owned network of electric vehicle fast-charger stations in the city’s underserved communities.
The U.S. Department of Energy on Nov. 16 announced a $70 million funding opportunity to enhance the cybersecurity posture of electric cooperative, municipal, and small investor-owned utilities.
The North American Electric Reliability Corporation last week wrapped up its grid security exercise, GridEx VII.
When they started using TextPower for outage notifications, utility managers for the City of Gastonia in North Carolina could not foresee the multiple ways in which the service would grow.
The Electric Reliability Council of Texas on Nov. 17 said it has canceled the procurement from a request for proposal it issued in October seeking additional capacity due to the limited response from the market, which included only a small 11.1 MW of potentially eligible capacity. In the RFP, ERCOT
The New York Public Service Commission on Nov. 16 made significant changes to New York’s electric vehicle “make-ready” program to speed up the transition to zero-emissions electric vehicles.