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Recently in Public Power Current
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Liz Anderson has been named as the new Executive Director of the Washington Public Utility Districts Association, effective January 1, 2024, following the retirement of George Caan at the end of the year.
Distributed Energy Resources
Platte River Power Authority recently issued a request for proposals seeking proposals for the supply of wind power.
Lawmakers voiced concerns on Sept. 13 about a Department of Energy proposal that would require a stricter standard that changes the material used in distribution transformers from grain-oriented electrical steel to amorphous steel.
Electricity Markets
The Electric Reliability Council of Texas on Sept. 13 filed a report with the Texas Public Utility Commission detailing the grid operator’s response to a spike in power demand earlier this month in the wake of soaring temperatures.
The Environmental Protection Agency on September 14 issued a final rule that modifies and replaces the 2020 regulatory requirements for water quality certification under Clean Water Act section 401.
Electricity Markets
Kentucky public power utility Owensboro Municipal Utilities has issued a request for proposals for various power supply alternatives to serve its future retail load.
Energy Storage
Executives from Central Coast Community Energy and Silicon Valley Clean Energy recently announced the commissioning for Yellow Pine Solar I, a large-scale solar and battery energy storage project.
Distributed Energy Resources
California lawmakers recently passed legislation that will, among other things, allow the state to create a central buyer to procure clean electricity for the grid.