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Electricity Markets
The Western Area Power Administration on Sept. 12 announced that its Colorado River Storage Project and Rocky Mountain region will pursue final negotiations toward full membership in the Southwest Power Pool Regional Transmission Organization.
Grid Modernization
Tripling the current scale of virtual power plants by 2030 could support rapid electrification as electricity demand grows for the first time in a decade, but limited integration of VPPs has inhibited growth, according to a new report from the Department of Energy.
Energy Storage
LS Energy Solutions plans to deploy a 200-megawatt, 400-megawatt hour energy storage project in Southern California.
Electric Vehicles
The Biden-Harris Administration has opened applications for the Electric Vehicle Charger Reliability and Accessibility Accelerator, which will provide up to $100 million in federal funding to repair and replace existing but non-operational, electric vehicle charging infrastructure, the Department of Transportation said on Sept. 13.
The American Public Power Association on Sept. 13 voiced support for a bill introduced by Rep. Richard Hudson (R-NC) that would prohibit the Department of Energy from increasing distribution transformer conservation standards for five years.
The California Independent System Operator has taken a number of steps to prepare for the effects of a solar eclipse that will occur next month.
Ohio public power utility Bryan Municipal Utilities has entered into an agreement to store natural gas for emergency generation and peak shaving purposes.
Energy Storage
ESS Tech Inc. has completed the commissioning of six energy storage systems delivered to the Sacramento Municipal Utility District, a California public power utility.