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Recently in Public Power Current
The American Public Power Association submitted comments on August 25 in response to the Environmental Protection Agency proposed National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants: Reciprocating Internal Combustion Engines and New Source Performance Standards: Internal Combustion Engines; Electronic Reporting rule.
FuelCell Energy recently closed on a project debt financing transaction with Liberty Bank and Amalgamated Bank as senior lenders and the Connecticut Green Bank as subordinated lender for the company’s Connecticut Municipal Electric Energy Cooperative fuel cell microgrid-ready project.
Starting on September 1, 2023, Texas public power utility New Braunfels Utilities is shifting to monthly power cost forecasting instead of quarterly forecasting.
The U.S. Department of Energy recently announced a $15.5 billion package of funding and loans primarily focused on retooling existing factories for the transition to electric vehicles.
Customers of Oregon public power utility Eugene Water and Electric Board played a key role in maintaining grid stability during a recent extreme heat wave by acting collectively and making small adjustments to temporarily reduce energy consumption, EWEB said on Aug. 24.
The Balancing Authority of Northern California announced that its Commission has concurred with a staff recommendation to pursue the California Independent System Operator Extended Day-Ahead Market as its preferred option for day-ahead market participation.
California Gov. Gavin Newsom and the California Legislature reached an agreement on a set of proposals from Newsom that, among other things, will allow for the state to create a central buyer to procure clean electricity for the grid.
The U.S. Department of Energy on Aug. 29 announced a funding opportunity of up to $300 million in grants for states, tribes, and local governments to accelerate and strengthen electric transmission siting and permitting processes.