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Recently in Public Power Current
As the threats to the resilience and reliability of the electric power grid caused by extreme weather events rise, the advantages of small modular reactors are becoming more apparent.
Crews from Michigan public power utilities are helping fellow Michigan public power utility Lansing Board of Water & Light with power restoration efforts after widespread outages following a storm that hit Lansing on Aug. 24.
Grid operators in recent days have been responding to increases in power demand spurred by scorching weather across portions of the U.S.
The California Independent System Operator recently filed the necessary proposed tariff changes with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission related to the development of an extended day-ahead market for California and the West.
Two virtual power plants are now qualified and able to provide dispatchable power to the Texas electric grid, which is operated by the Electric Reliability Council of Texas, the Texas Public Utility Commission said on Aug. 23.
Four Snohomish County PUD linemen received the General Manager’s Life Saving Award during the PUD’s August 22 Commission Meeting for quick actions that likely saved lives and property threatened by a house fire, the Washington State PUD said on Aug. 23. The PUD's Justin Atkinson, Entry Helper-2
The American Public Power Association recently submitted comments to the Internal Revenue Service in response to the federal agency’s issuance of temporary and proposed regulations for the implementation of elective payment of energy tax credits.
The Board of Water and Power Commissioners for the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power recently approved a policy under which LADWP’s present and future customers will fairly share in the cost of new power infrastructure upgrades located in the public right-of-way for construction projects, commonly known as underground line extensions.