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Recently in Public Power Current
To find earlier stories in Public Power Current, browse by popular topics or contact us at News@PublicPower.org.
Community Engagement
Scott Corwin has joined the American Public Power Association as the association’s President and CEO.
Disaster Response and Mutual Aid
Public power utilities in California are responding to power outages caused by Hurricane Hilary, which hit Southern California as a tropical storm on Aug. 20.
As the threats to the resilience and reliability of the electric power grid caused by extreme weather events rise, the advantages of small modular reactors are becoming more apparent.
Distributed Energy Resources
The Department of Energy recently launched an initiative to transform former waste dumps into clean energy sites.
Energy Efficiency
Chelan PUD Commissioners recently voted to increase funding for the PUD’s energy rebate program by about $3 million.
The Omaha Public Power District Board of Directors on Aug. 17 voted to approve the Nebraska public power utility’s recommended near-term generation resource plan to address unprecedented growth in energy demand, OPPD said.
Electricity Markets
The second set of results from a study examining how the New England region’s power system would fare under stressful weather and operational conditions shows the possibility of an energy shortfall increasing between winter 2027 -- the first period studied -- and winter 2032 -- the second period studied -- under some scenarios.
Distributed Energy Resources
Supply chain issues have slowed the growth of community solar installation into the first quarter, but community solar growth is expected to return starting in 2024, according to a new report from Wood Mackenzie and the Coalition for Community Solar Access.