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Recently in Public Power Current
To find earlier stories in Public Power Current, browse by popular topics or contact us at News@PublicPower.org.
Energy Storage
Lightshift Energy, an energy storage project developer, owner and operator, has partnered with Basis Climate to complete the sale of nearly $10 million of investment tax credits.
Energy Storage
Ascend Analytics has launched a sales process on behalf of ESA Solar Energy for its Midcontinent ISO battery energy storage system portfolio.
A new project led by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory and funded by the U.S. Department of Energy’s Geothermal Technologies Office aims to address cooling-system challenges tied to data centers by incorporating geothermal underground thermal energy storage technology for data centers.
American Municipal Power, Inc. announced that Kellie Pertuset has joined AMP as Vice President of Human Resources and Talent Management.
Bills and Rates
The Imperial Irrigation District Board of Directors on Jan. 21 approved a power rate update designed to enhance service reliability and support long-overdue infrastructure improvements, all while ensuring that IID’s rates remain among the lowest in California.
Electricity Markets
The Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee on Jan. 23 voted to advance the nominations of Doug Burgum and Chris Wright to lead the Departments of Interior and Energy, respectively.
Blackstone on Jan. 24 announced that Blackstone Energy Transition Partners has agreed to acquire Potomac Energy Center, a 774-megawatt natural gas power plant in Loudoun County, Virginia.
Electricity Markets
Two Jamestown Board of Public Utilities engineers received first-hand experience with the Danish approach to thermal energy and district heating as they participated in a New York State thermal energy delegation to Denmark hosted and funded by the Danish District Energy Advisory Board. Officials from the New York Power Authority also traveled to Denmark as part of the delegation.