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As more solar capacity has come online in California, grid operators at the California Independent System Operator have seen a drop in net load -- or the demand remaining after subtracting variable renewable generation -- in the middle of the day when solar generation tends to be highest, the Energy Information Administration reported on June 21.
California community choice aggregator Peninsula Clean Energy has received an A- rating from S&P Global, the CCA said on June 21. The rating is the highest Peninsula Clean Energy has received from a credit agency.
Michigan public power utility Traverse City Light and Power journeymen and apprentices recently participated in quarterly safety training for a Pole Top Hurt Man Rescue. Hannah Duell, Communications Specialist at the utility, said that eight journeymen and three apprentices participated in the
The Rochester, N.Y., City Council on June 20 voted to reserve funds for a public power utility study
The TransWest Express Transmission Project, a new high-voltage interregional transmission line that will extend from south-central Wyoming through northwestern Colorado and central Utah, ending in southern Nevada, advanced on June 20 with project groundbreaking.
David Osburn, general manager of the Oklahoma Municipal Power Authority in Edmond, Oklahoma, on June 21 was installed as the new chair of the American Public Power Association’s Board of Directors at APPA’s National Conference in Seattle, Washington. Osburn was introduced at the conference’s closing
New York Gov. Kathy Hochul on June 20 announced the completion and successful energization of the New York Power Authority's Smart Path clean energy transmission infrastructure project.
Massachusetts is seeking to enlist the Department of Energy in an effort to develop a new approach to the development of interregional transmission coordination.