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Recently in Public Power Current
The Wisconsin public power communities of New Richmond and Mount Horeb have been selected to participate in the second round of a pilot program under which residents will raise money for local charities while they save money learning new ways to save energy.
February marks Black History Month. The American Public Power Association pays tribute to the Black American leaders who, over a half-century ago, sought to establish the Utilities Board of Tuskegee (UBT).
Garden City, Kansas, recently purchased transmission and distribution facilities from a rural electric cooperative, marking the final major step that the city has taken as part of revamping the city’s electric system.
Officials from California public power utility SMUD on Jan. 24 were joined by regional leaders for a ribbon-cutting of SMUD’s first utility-scale storage battery project.
The City of New Bern, a public power community in North Carolina, made a new hire to their engineering team this month -- but even as a new employee fresh from graduate school, Amitosh “Tosh” Banerjee does not need an office tour, and already knows his colleagues.
Platte River Power Authority, Xcel Energy-Colorado and Black Hills Colorado Electric on Jan. 25 announced plans today to join the Western Energy Imbalance Service (WEIS) Market, operated by the Southwest Power Pool (SPP).
General Motors Co. on Jan. 25 announced an investment of more than $7 billion in four Michigan manufacturing sites including construction of a new battery cell plant in the public power community of Lansing, Mich., as well as two Lansing-area vehicle assembly plants to upgrade their production capabilities for near-term products.
Panelists appearing at a recent Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee hearing detailed the key role that hydropower plays in the nation’s power supply mix and outlined actions that lawmakers could take to support hydropower going forward.