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Recently in Public Power Current
Massachusetts officials recently announced the selection of an offshore wind project that includes a partnership between Vineyard Wind, the developer, and Energy New England (ENE), which is representing 20 participating Massachusetts Municipal Light Plants (MLPs) including Reading Municipal Light Department (RMLD).
California’s South San Joaquin Irrigation District (SSJID) was recently handed a key victory by an appeals court in SSJID’s ongoing bid to replace investor-owned Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E) as the local retail electric service provider.
A group of New Mexico lawmakers is asking state utility regulators to launch a study that would evaluate shifting the state’s electric sector to public power. The lawmakers said in their petition filed at the New Mexico Public Regulatory Commission (PRC) that they “believe that it is probable that
Washington State’s Chelan PUD has re-energized a high-voltage transmission line rebuilt in fire-resistant steel for better reliability in the Chelan Valley.
The U.S. electric power sector’s cooling water withdrawals fell 10.5% from 53.1 trillion gallons in 2019 to 47.5 trillion gallons in 2020, continuing the downward trend in withdrawals, the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) reported on Dec.17.
The Board of Commissioners for Florida public power utility Orlando Utilities Commission (OUC) on Dec. 14 formally approved the retirement of Stanton Energy Center’s (SEC) Unit 1 by no later than 2025 and the conversion of SEC’s Unit 2 to natural gas by no later than 2027.
The Ann Arbor, Mich., Energy Commission on Dec. 14 unanimously adopted a resolution recommending that the Ann Arbor City Council authorize a municipal electric utility feasibility study.
Nebraska Public Power District’s (NPPD) Board of Directors on Dec. 13 approved a goal to achieve net-zero carbon emissions from generation resources by 2050.