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Recently in Public Power Current
The New York Power Authority has resumed work on certain projects that were suspended so that the Authority could focus on the continued safe operation of its power plants and transmission system in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
The Platte River Power Authority on June 16 said that its coal-fired Rawhide Unit 1 generating resource will cease producing electricity by 2030, 16 years before its planned retirement date.
The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission should dismiss a petition asking it to find that it has jurisdiction over energy sales from rooftop solar facilities and other distributed generation located on the customer side of the retail meter whenever the output of these resources exceeds the customer
Leaders of public power utilities across the U.S. recently detailed how their utilities were prepared to successfully respond and adapt to a myriad of challenges presented by the COVID-19 pandemic.
The U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) on June 10 said it expects U.S. electricity demand to total 998 billion kilowatt hours this summer, the lowest level of summer electricity consumption in the United States since 2009 and 5% less than last summer.
Chelan County PUD commissioners on June 15 heard proposals from PUD staff to bring the utility to the top quartile of reliable electrical service, in line with other high-performing U.S. public power providers.
In a recent survey of utility executives by Siemens and the Ponemon Institute, more than half of the respondents said that cyber attacks are on the rise. In addition, the nature of the attacks has shifted in recent years.
Vermont Public Power Supply Authority (VPPSA) and Encore Renewable Energy recently announced that construction has begun on a new solar array in Morrisville, Vermont.