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To find earlier stories in Public Power Current, browse by popular topics or contact us at News@PublicPower.org.
Disaster Response and Mutual Aid
Supporting virus research, securing critical infrastructure and stabilizing the energy markets are all key actions that the Department of Energy has taken in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, Mark Menezes, Under Secretary of Energy, said on June 8.
Bonds and Financing
Except in extreme scenarios, rising wildfire risks are manageable for California's publicly owned electric utilities, Moody's Investors Service said in a recent report.
Community Engagement
Jolene Thompson, president and CEO of American Municipal Power, Inc. in Columbus, Ohio, was installed as chair of the American Public Power Association Board of Directors during APPA’s Public Power Connect: Virtual Summit & Business Meeting on June 9.
Any utility key accounts manager knows that commercial and industrial customers never want their operations disrupted by power outages, which results in lost profits and harms their reputations.
Community Engagement
In remarks made on the first day of the American Public Power Association’s Public Power Connect Virtual Summit and Business Meeting, Joy Ditto, APPA’s President and CEO, said that the power sector must be committed to increasing diversity at every level and detailed how APPA is moving to strengthen and renew its commitment to diversity and inclusion.
Bonds and Financing
The New York Power Authority sold more than $1.2 billion in bonds to finance capital expenditures related to the Power Authority’s transmission assets and other capital projects, NYPA reported on May 29.
Community Engagement
The Sacramento Municipal Utility District (SMUD) partnered with Sunrise Marketplace Business Improvement District (SMP) to wrap more than 20 SMUD transformer boxes with nearly 50 pieces of art throughout Sacramento’s business district. “MasterPieces in the MarketPlace” utilizes SMUD’s Transformer
Working remotely during the COVID-19 pandemic has been a lifesaver, but it has also brought new threats. With so many people working from home, cybersecurity training is more important than ever.