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Electricity Markets
The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission on Nov. 1 rejected an amended Interconnection Service Agreement among PJM, Susquehanna Nuclear LLC and PPL Electric Utilities tied to data center in Pennsylvania.
The Environmental Protection Agency recently issued an interim final rule to administratively stay the effectiveness of requirements for all sources covered by the Good Neighbor Plan rule as promulgated where an administrative stay was not already in place.
Nebraska public power utility Lincoln Electric System is soliciting discussions with entities interested in providing LES with firm or deliverable capacity within the Southwest Power Pool to meet LES’ own load and reserve requirements for the 2026-2030 period.
Energy Storage
Energy Northwest and California public power utility Pasadena Water and Power are among 11 Department of Energy Office of Electricity selectees for an energy storage technical assistance voucher program aimed at spurring innovations in long duration energy storage technologies among developers, small businesses, research institutions, and communities.
A Tennessee Valley Authority pollinator program was recently recognized through an award from the North American Pollinator Protection Campaign.
Distributed Energy Resources
The City Commission of Lakeland, Fla., a public power community, on Nov. 4 approved a solar power purchase agreement with Edge Solar LLC.
Distributed Energy Resources
The Oklahoma Municipal Power Agency Board of Directors approved at its October meeting a new rate schedule for the sale of renewable energy credits.
Electricity Markets
Results of a supplemental study examining potential costs and benefits of joining a day-ahead energy market have not shifted the Bonneville Power Administration's staff recommendation to join the Southwest Power Pool's Markets+.