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Recently in Public Power Current
With power supply resources often coming with a long lead time of five to 10 years, starting in the 2030s, WPPI Energy will have room to add more capacity.
More than 1,700 customer-owners of Washington State’s Chelan County PUD responded to Imagine 2075, a survey that will help guide Chelan PUD’s future for the next 50 years.
Forty-five public power utilities have earned a Smart Energy Provider designation from the American Public Power Association.
Twenty public power utilities have been recognized by the American Public Power Association with Public Power Customer Satisfaction Awards for providing excellent service to their communities.
More than 900 households have received home energy improvements through Home Uplift, a partnership of EPB Energy Pros and a Tennessee Valley Authority program that helps recipients save an average of $450 per year on energy costs.
A study of utility-scale solar facilities built in the Midwest found that utility-scale solar projects increased nearby property values by roughly 0.5–2.0 %.
Texas public power utility Kerrville Public Utility Board has been designated as a 2024 Top Workplace among large employers by the San Antonio Express-News.
The Energy Systems Integration Group has released a new report, Grid Planning for Building Electrification, that discusses new challenges for distribution systems under increased levels of building electrification and outlines key actions for planners and stakeholders to prepare the system for these new load impacts.