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Electricity Markets
PJM Interconnection CEO Manu Asthana recently told a gathering of state and industry officials that he is more worried than ever about the PJM region having enough electricity supply to serve electricity demand that is forecast to grow by leaps and bounds.
Energy Storage
In a recent Q&A with the American Public Power Association, Barry Tupper, general manager of Massachusetts public power utility Holden Municipal Light Department, detailed how the utility and its customers are expected to benefit from a recently completed battery storage project.
Distributed Energy Resources
The San Francisco Public Utilities Commission’s community choice energy program, CleanPowerSF, has secured its largest-ever single source of wind power through a new power purchase agreement with Scout Clean Energy for electricity produced by a new wind project in Merced County, Calif., SFPUC said on Oct. 23.
Community Engagement
Mandip Samra, the CEO and General Manager of California public power utility Burbank Water & Power, is connecting with the utility’s customers through a series of conversations over coffee.
Electricity Markets
Arizona G&T Cooperatives announced on Oct. 23 their interest in pursuing a study to assess the benefits for its cooperative members, public power utilities, and electric districts in joining the California Independent System Operator’s Extended Day-Ahead Market.
Community Engagement
Texas public power utility Kerrville Public Utility Board on Nov. 7 will host a Community Weatherization Event where customers will be able to learn more about energy savings, among other things.
Community Engagement
During recent committee meetings for the Omaha Public Power District Board of Directors, OPPD Vice President Cliff Fleener shared an update on the district’s progress in the area of environmental stewardship. Kate Thomas, Director of Corporate Marketing and Communications, offered details on stakeholder outreach and engagement efforts.
Electricity Markets
The New York ISO has provided a 30-day extension for resolving insufficient applications in its new interconnection process.