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Recently in Public Power Current
Three new state-of-the-art engines now operating at Springville City’s Whitehead Power Plant will save Springville residents hundreds of thousands of dollars per year in power costs while also lowering carbon dioxide and nitrogen oxide emissions from the plant.
The New York State Energy Research and Development Authority, in partnership with the Long Island Power Authority, recently announced the launch of two 100% electric shuttle services on Long Island and the Rockaways provided by a winner of the New York Clean Transportation Prizes.
Arizona public power utility Salt River Project has recognized Avondale, Ariz., and Scottsdale, Ariz., as SRP Sustainable Cities for their commitment to sustainable growth while supporting SRP’s environmental policies and goals.
The following is a transcript of the Sept. 16, 2024, episode of Public Power Now. Learn more about subscribing to Public Power Now at Some quotes may have been edited for clarity. Paul Ciampoli Welcome to the latest episode of Public Power Now. I'm Paul Ciampoli, APPA’s
Weeks after the Western Resource Adequacy Program’s Resource Adequacy Participant Committee approved a revised transition plan, the Western Power Pool Board of Directors recently took a series of actions to move the program further along.
California public power utility Anaheim Public Utilities recently provided details to Public Power Current on a battery storage project that will, among other things, support renewable energy integration.
The U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Electricity on Sept. 18 released two notices of intent to issue funding to support research and development of electric grid technologies.
A survey of nearly 700 U.S. power industry stakeholders found that forty-five percent of respondents say they have no confidence or are not very confident in their forecasting for data center loads.