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Recently in Public Power Current
A new paper lays out a five-part framework for unlocking the potential of advanced transmission technologies.
EDF Renewables North America on Sept. 20 announced a 20-year power purchase agreement with Omaha Public Power District for the Milligan 1 Wind project.
The U.S. Department of Energy’s Grid Deployment Office announced the launch of the Pacific Northwest Regional Energy Planning Project, a broad engagement‐based planning process that will produce regional analyses of infrastructure investments that will be required to meet the goals and requirements of regional participants, including resource adequacy, decarbonization, ecosystem priorities, and system resilience and reliability.
The U.S. Department of Energy Office of Clean Energy Demonstrations has issued a notice of intent to fund up to $1.8 billion for the design, construction, and operation of mid- and large-scale commercial direct air capture facilities and infrastructure scaling platforms.
The U.S. Department of Energy on Sept. 20 announced over $3 billion for 25 selected projects across 14 states to boost the domestic production of advanced batteries and battery materials nationwide.
In a recent Q&A with the American Public Power Association, Brad Koehn, the new General Manager of California public power utility Turlock Irrigation District, detailed TID’s plans for adding power supplies in the years ahead.
The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission on Sept. 19 proposed to require new or modified critical infrastructure standards “to address the growing risks posed by malicious actors seeking to compromise the reliable operation of the bulk-power system,” it said.
BlackRock, Global Infrastructure Partners, Microsoft, and MGX on Sept. 17 announced the Global AI Infrastructure Investment Partnership to make investments in new and expanded data centers to meet growing demand for computing power, as well as energy infrastructure to create new sources of power for these facilities.