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Disaster Response and Mutual Aid
In less than 36 hours since landfall, Florida public power utilities have restored power to nearly all customers impacted by Hurricane Debby, Amy Zubaly, Executive Director, Florida Municipal Electric Association, said on Aug. 6.
Electricity Markets
The PJM Interconnection has cleared 204 generation projects to the second phase of its new interconnection process, designed to study 72,000 MW of mostly renewable or hybrid resources by the third quarter of 2025, it said on Aug. 6
Kairos Power has started construction on a low-power reactor, which is the first non-light water design permitted for construction in the U.S. in more than 50 years and is projected to be operational in Oak Ridge, Tennessee in 2027, the Department of Energy said in late July.
The Borough of Chambersburg, Pa., a public power community, has received funding from the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection for a grid resilience project.
The Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant, the Tennessee Valley Authority’s largest generating asset and the third-largest nuclear power producer in the U.S., reached an important milestone on August 1 -- 50 years in service.
Quantum Capital Group and its affiliates on Aug. 5 announced that it has entered into an agreement to acquire Cogentrix Energy, a U.S. independent power producer, from funds managed by Carlyle for a total consideration of approximately $3 billion.
Disaster Response and Mutual Aid
Public power utilities were hard at work on power restoration efforts in Florida after Hurricane Debby hit the state early on the morning of Aug. 5.
Keys Energy Services GM and CEO Lynne Tejeda will celebrate her 35th anniversary with the utility on August 7, the Florida public power utility said on Aug. 5.