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Recently in Public Power Current
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Energy Storage
Ormat Technologies on July 23 announced the signing of a 15-year resource adequacy purchase and sale agreement with the City of Riverside, Calif., for the 80-megawatt /320-megawatt hour Shirk Battery Energy Storage System located in Visalia, California.
Members of the Northeast Public Power Association in Maine have received grant awards to deploy electrical grid resilience projects in Maine communities.
Distributed Energy Resources
The City of Burbank, California’s Community Development Department has expanded the online permit feature for residents to easily apply for and obtain instant solar and battery storage system permits for single-family residential installations through a City partnership with Symbium Corp.
Cleveland-Cliffs recently announced that it will establish a new electrical distribution transformer production plant in Weirton, West Virginia.
Electricity Markets
Oregon’s Northern Wasco County PUD has experienced dramatic growth over the last decade and various factors including additional new data center loads are expected to further drive that growth in the next few years, said Roger Kline, General Manager and CEO of the PUD.
Platte River Power Authority’s board of directors approved the utility’s 2024 Integrated Resource Plan on July 25, including the recommended “optimal new carbon” portfolio that adds 760 megawatts of new renewable energy projects between now and 2030.
Energy Storage
New York Gov. Kathy Hochul on July 24 announced that New York State will receive U.S. Department of Energy funding for a long-duration energy storage demonstration project that will use fire-safe battery technology.
Energy Storage
California public power utility SMUD’s long-duration battery storage project in partnership with ESS Tech, Inc. has been awarded a $10 million grant from the California Energy Commission to demonstrate a 3.6-megawatt, 8-hour iron flow battery project.