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Recently in Public Power Current
The Guam Power Authority was awarded nearly $916,885 from the U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Electricity Underserved and Indigenous Community Microgrids Grant.
Nebraska public power utility Omaha Public Power District on July 11 held a ribbon cutting for its first utility-scale solar project, the Platteview Solar facility in Yutan, Neb. The 81-megawatt facility began generating electricity May 1, 2024. OPPD held a local community gathering with the
Westrafo recently announced plans to open a transformer production facility in Trotwood, Ohio.
A newly released assessment ranks the feasibility of converting 245 operational coal power plants in the U.S. into advanced nuclear reactors. The study was done by University of Michigan researchers.
The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission recently accepted the second phase of ISO New England’s longer term transmission planning tariff changes. The changes create a new process that will operate in addition to current transmission planning protocols.
Senate Environment and Public Works Committee Chairman Tom Carper (D-DE) and twelve other Democratic senators have written to Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen urging her to reconsider the “overly stringent” three-pillars approach taken in proposed requirements for the Code Section 45V Credit for Production of Clean Hydrogen (Section 45V Credit).
The House Committee on Appropriations recently approved a $4.025 billion appropriation for the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program, as part of the Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, Fiscal Year 2025.
In a recent Q&A with Public Power Current, Scott Hughes, Power Director for Hurricane City, Utah, detailed why the city pursued construction of a new substation, which was completed last month, and detailed the steps taken by the city’s public power utility to earn a Reliable Public Power Provider designation from APPA.